Il y a peu de temps, je suis tombée sur un article du Los Angeles Times à propos d'une polémique bien américaine contre une de mes sportives préférées... Sasha Cohen. Mes proches sont bassinés assez périodiquement par ma passion dévorante pour le patinage artistique et la danse sur glace. Il m'est impossible de ne pas l'évoquer ici.

Pour résumer, ces critiques infondées m'ont vraiment exaspérées et j'ai décidé - pour une fois - de réagir en laissant un commentaire sur cet article... Et en anglais, parce qu'entre vous et moi, c'est bien plus drôle quand c'est pas en français... "Pourquoi faire simple...?" Oui, je sais...
Bref, ma prose anglicisante a du plaire chez l'Oncle Sam car moins de deux jours plus tard elle a été publiée... La blague !! Un début de carrière journalistique ?
Quoiqu'il en soit, je laisse ci-dessous mon fameux texte... Sincèrement, vu mon paragraphe sur les clichés français et américains, je doutais un peu de sa "publiabilité" mais bon, apparemment, l'humour a fait son effet et c'était vraiment drôle à rédiger...
I am French, live in Paris and was there last week for the Eric Bompard Grand Prix Event. I had decided to buy tickets to attend this amazing competition because Sasha Cohen was supposed to be there.
I was really disappointed to hear that she couldn't be here. I realized that I would never see her skating in front on me, but just on TV... Anyway according to me she took the right decision. Everybody seems to forget that she was injured !!
I can imagine your reaction if she had come to Paris, skated and got such a worst injury that she would have been deprived her from the Olympics ! One would have said : "had she been more reasonable..."
I'm far from this American polemic and don't care about it. All I know is that she's one of the best skater I've ever seen and no-one is allowed to judge her. Except maybe the nine ones who will be in Vancouver next February. In Paris I saw them all skating : Yuna Kim, Mao Asada, Caroline Zhang and Alexe Gilles... They are brilliant, talented (specially Yuna Kim, who is far better than the others) but they all lack Sasha's maturity and experience.
Many European people believe that Americans are arrogant, proud and so full of dignity. I think that it's the same kid of stupid cliché as the one, well-known in the US, saying that there is no electricity nor water in France... Of course, both of those clichés are wrong !!Today many people lack dignity and Sasha Cohen doesn't. She was courageous enough to answer critics. She was treated as a goddess three years ago after she got her silver medal in Turin. Don't you remember ? Now many of you say she's worth nothing (or almost). It's so unfair.
Instead you should be proud to have sportsmen and sportswomen like her who are strong enough to decide to go back training that hard and competing for your country (or even for themselves), to show evidence that they are worth more than what was written or said those last weeks, whatever the result may be.
PS : Those who criticize so easily should go skating once in their lives, that way they will see how difficult it is. On ice, you can't lie : if you are tired, angry or nervous, everybody will see it and you won't skate your best. End of story.
Frenchy Baguette
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