jeudi 10 février 2011

"Without music life would be a mistake" - Nietzsche

"Without music life would be a mistake." 

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Berthold Auerbach

When I was young, we had audio tapes in my Mum's car. Every single day, when she was driving us to school, we would listen to the "classical musicians' lives".

Our favourite was Tchaikovsky's. So we almost listened to it every day. We were ''singing'' his concertos and my Mum used to follow the rythm by pushing a little bit her horn.

I still know by heart Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto n°1... It's been an hour that I try to find the most appropriate video.

Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto n°1 always brings me back a flood of happy memories.

(c) Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto n°1
(c) Piano : Serhij Hryhorenko

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