Days are getting sorther.
Today the sky is white in Paris.
It's cold outside.
Winter will be soon there.
On the other side of the Ocean, it's Thanksgiving.
Millions of American celebrate this special day.
Today I invite you to stop 5 minutes.
Take 5 minutes for yourself.
Take a sheet of paper and a pencil.
Write the main 5 things you wish to achieve within the 6 next months.
Realistic goals.
5 things you want to change.
5 wishes you've never dared to say
5 ideas you've always wanted to get real.
5 things you never have time to do.
Write how you could achieve each goal.
Your strengths.
Your weaknesses.
What you could do to succeed.
Write how much time you need for each point.
Keep that paper.
Near you.
So that you can se it regularly.
So that when it's hard, you can focus on your goals.
Because with written, clear goals, you'll know "where you go".
I'd written mine almost a year ago.
It helped me even if my 5 wishes did not ALL become real.
I've just written a new list.
My 5 wishes.
My 5 goals.
My 5 forth-coming achievements.
Dear Frenchy,
RépondreSupprimerThese goals are subject to modification, but I like this game.
the main 5 things I wish to achieve within the 6 next months are 1. Create a complete, confident, and compelling live act 2. Exercise more regularly and joyfully 3. Find a more fluid, effective way of writing songs 4. Manage my resources more effectively 5. Establish my own business
Thanks for this great exercise and happy Thanksgiving friend
Dear Adena,
RépondreSupprimerThanks for your message. Your 5 points are great (I'm very excited by the 5th!).
Anyway, mines are close to yours, except that they are related to writing (ending, correcting, convincing, publishing and finding more time for the "creative/artistic process" in my daily life).
I'm sure that 2012 will be a good year in that respect :) Fingers crossed !
I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving and that you're in a Chistmas mood now. (I'm listening to Frank Sinatra's Xmas Carols, and frankly it helps to figure out that Xmas will soon be there !).
Hugs from rainy-but-Xmas-lighted Paris,
Frenchy Baguette