samedi 5 février 2011

Lady Gaga protects her privacy

She is such a musical phenomenon.
Everybody has talked about her for months.
Some people criticize her "marketed" music.

In the following video...

Listen to her voice !!
See how talented she is when she plays the piano.

(c) Lady Gaga Songs
(c) TV Show : Taratata (2009)

No Lady Gaga is not only a marketing musical product.

Yes, she is excentric.
Yes, she does all what she wants.
Yes, she is a real artist.

In Taratata, she is close to people : smiling, answering questions, joking, trying to speak French.

I prefer Lady Gaga here, whereas when she wears meat-made dresses. 
She has nothing to prove. 
She deserves media and people interest just for her songs. 
She should not need to be provocative to attrack the attention of the media.

Lady Gaga is famous. 
Lady Gaga is different. 
As an artist, she knows perfectly how to melt the codes of fashion, music, writing, art , photos and video... so that the result  is always innovative and unique. 
Yes, Lady Gaga is unique.
Who could claim to be like her today ?
No one.

She is an artistic model because she dares to do all what she wants, without restrictions.
And by doing this she encourages people to be "themselves".


Her songs may be marketed.
Her video clips may be shocking.
She may manipulate the media the way she wants.
She may have many people around her.
She may have millions of fans around the world... 

She recently declared in an interview in the French Glamour (don't judge the magazines I read in the train...) : "I'm perpetually lonely. I'm lonely when I'm in relationships. It's my condition as an artist." 

Being an artist is not easy.
You expose yourself and use your sensibility to create.
Sometimes you don't even decide.
You feel the need to create.
Art or inspiration are inside of you.
They need to get out of you.
You can't control them.
You did not chose to be an artist.
But you ARE.
You build an image of yourself so that you can express what you want to.
The only choice you have is to realese or not what you have just created.

Everybody knows Lady Gaga, her excentricities, her songs, her video clips. But who really knows her as a human being ?

To me, the main question is :

What does she want to hide, by exposing herself as a pop/musical/artistic icone or myth ?

I may be wrong, but exposing herself the way she does every time she goes out is at the same time a way to protect herself as a human being too.

For sure, she chose the good strategy to protect her privacy.

2 commentaires:

  1. I LOVE this Frenchy! I'm a total Gaga fan too and I'm sure you're right that there's more here than meets the eye. Or camera.



  2. Dear Adena,
    I am glad that you liked my message.
    Reading her remark about the loneliness of artists was very important to me.
    Hugs from sunny (!!) Paris,
    Frenchy Baguette
