mardi 26 janvier 2010

La salamandre du Parc Guël

En attendant de l'été, voici une photo si typique de Barcelone, prise lors de mon dernier séjour dans la capitale Catalane en Mai dernier.

(c) Frenchy Baguette

lundi 25 janvier 2010

"Julie & Julia" & Meryl Streep

A few months ago I decided to go to the movies, after a long busy day, on a Friday night. Just to have a time for me, all by myself... to do what I want, when I want to.

And there I found Julie & Julia.

I thought :
"There's a new movie with Meryl Streep,
For sure I go. 
And, Oh, it's a movie by Nora Ephron.
All right, for sure I double go !!"

I have to acknowledge that when Meryl Streep is in a movie, I don't even look at the story, well, I just "run" watching it. And one more time I have not been deceived.

Julie & Julia is funny, so full of those wonderful clichés about the French cook, life in Paris and the true story of a blogger.

Above all it seems as if you were living with the real Julia Child, who is so famous in the U.S.

So here is the trailer of Julie & Julia

(c) Julie & Julia - A movie by Nora Ephron 
2009 Sony Pictures Digital Inc.

And Meryl Streep's Speech when she got the 2010 Gloden Globe of the Best Actress for this movie

 (c) Gloden Globe Awards Academy - Meryl Streep's Speech

dimanche 24 janvier 2010

The Piano - La leçon de piano

Une beau film sur la Nouvelle-Zélande du 19ème siècle

Palme d'Or à Cannes en 1993
Et en 1994,
Oscar de la Meilleure Actrice - Holly Hunter (mérité)
Oscar du Meilleur Scénario - Jane Campion
Oscar du Meilleur 2nd rôle féminin - Anna Paquin (à 10 ans)

Un beau film donc, où on peut suivre l'histoire d'une jeune femme muette , mariée de force à un riche "colon", arrive avec sa petite fille dans la  très inhospitalière Nouvelle-Zélande du 19ème siècle. Elle ne sait s'exprimer qu'au travers de son piano.

(c) "The Sacrifice", a music by Michael Nyman
"The Piano", a movie by Jane Campion

Quelle B.O. les amis !!!
Je dois vous faire une confidence, c'est la musique de ce film qui a convaincu votre Frenchy Baguette internationale (au moins...) de reprendre le piano.

(c) EMI -  "The Heart asks the pleasure first" - Music by Michael Nyman

A noter, que Jane Campion, sa réalisatrice vient de sortir Bright Star, sur la rencontre entre John Keats (le célèbre poète romantique anglais) et de Fanny Brawne.

vendredi 22 janvier 2010

Padame, Padame, Padame

(c) "Le Baiser de l'Hôtel de Ville" - Robert Doisneau

Une de mes photos préférées, qui symbolise tellement l'image de Paris dans le cœur de tous les étrangers...

"All right, then, I'll go to hell"

(c) Penguin Red Classics Cover

"All right, then, I'll go to hell."

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Chap 31

With this simple sentence Huck Finn, the most emblematic American hero known for his quest for freedom, rejects social authority and finally decides not to denounce Jim, as a on-the-run slave to her "owner" Miss Watson... 

Remember Huckleberry Finn is this well-known child, who escaped from society on a raft on the Mississippi River with the slave Jim. 

Huck eventually desobeys to civil laws and rules (here, the segregationists ones of the American Jacksonian period), but this desobedience act leads him to a transcendental morality... In fact he saved Jim and considered him as a human being - which was revolutionnary for 1883 in Missouri...

No Huck, you warn't go to Hell
You desobeyed, and you were right...

The point here is :
Are we allowed to desobey social rules if we believe they are immoral and contradictory with our profound own morality and thoughts?

Oh, my dear Thoreau, you were so well inspired when you talked about "Civil Desobedience"...

mardi 19 janvier 2010

Frenchy Baguette writes to Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook Founding Father)

Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

I live in Paris, not far from the Eiffel Tower. In this city full of lights, baguettes, birds, lovers and tourists.

You live more than 10.000 miles away, in an American State were the sun shines all year long...

While I was studying business and other useful things "to become someone", you were in your Harvard room (as the legend says...) inventing "our" beloved Facebook. Yes, you read well, I said "our" because FB has been part of the daily life of so many people since that time, that I don't think it's only yours any more...

There is no doubt that you invented the greatest website of the decade. We needed a tool to get in touch with our friends, whenever we want and wherever we/they live.

And you did it. So THANK You.

I know that you must be very busy. But as a friend, who is complete aware that you will never read this, I'll show you some points that as a user, I'd like to see solved or at least improved... And I'm quite sure that I'm not the only one.

So PLEASE, read this carefully :

  1. You can't deny that there is a failure about privacy... The new version of FB is not as safe as the previous one. Believe me, nobody wants his photos to be spread and available to everybody on the Internet...
    And I don't want either to hear one day that my 12-year-old cousin girl was disturbed by some crazy guy because she let her phone number on her profile...
    And be careful, there is a new trend today... People start to go out of FB for privacy concerns... And as we know, with FB everything goes really fast...

  2. You should invent a new tool to control created groups. Some of them are really shocking and disgusting... I'm sure that you and your team do your best for it. It is the greatest challenge you'll have to face within the next months...

  3. The “collateral damages” due to the amazing success of FB : the “chat” is far too slow, many accounts are hijacked, and I was told that anti-virus softwares were thinking about new solutions against virus, which could come from FB...

All of these points are just pieces of advice from an as-old-as-you user among millions of others.

Good luck for the following of the FB adventure

And all the Best for the New Year 2010 !

Frenchy Baguette

vendredi 15 janvier 2010

Let's hope that this will never change in the Obama family...

Just a family...
Best photo of the year 2008, according to me

(c) Obama Family at Pueblo, Colorado Airport
Nov, 1rst 2008 during Obama's final Presidential Campaign swings

jeudi 14 janvier 2010

Sleepless in Seattle ...

Un de ces films antidépresseurs qui devrait être remboursé par la sécu !
Un film de "filles"
Avec Meg Ryan et Tom Hanks...
En français "Nuits Blanches à Seattle"

(c) TriStar

dimanche 10 janvier 2010

S.ex and the City : the Best TV Series Ever

Because nothing better was done after this about friendship...

"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships.
There are those that open you up to something new and exotic,
Those that are old and familiar,
Those that bring up lots of questions,
Those that bring you somewhere unexpected,
Those that bring you far from where you started,
And those that bring you back.
But the most exciting, challenging & significant relationship of all
Is the one you have with yourself.
And if you can find someone to love the you you love,
Well, that's just fabulous."

Carrie Bradshaw
Last Episode of S.ex and the City

(c)HBO - S.ex and the City

Don't feel too sad, they are coming back on May, 28th  2010...

samedi 9 janvier 2010

"Il y a..." de Vanessa Paradis

"Parfois on regarde les choses
Telles qu'elles sont,
En se demandant pourquoi ?

Parfois on les regarde
Telles qu'elles pourraient être,
En se disant pourquoi pas ?"

Tout est dit...

(c) "Il y a" de Vanessa Paradis

jeudi 7 janvier 2010

Full of snow Paris

Ca commence à être une habitude...

Alors, profitons de la neige avant que le verglas ne fasse son apparition, a priori demain...

Voici donc deux photos du parc pas très loin de chez moi...

(c) Frenchy Baguette

(c) Frenchy Baguette

mercredi 6 janvier 2010

"Even now when I'm alone, I've always known with you I am home" - Vanessa Carton

Because she sings beautifully.
Because this song is so true and its end is amazing !
Because I would have loved to attend this concert.
Because I'd like to play the piano like her.
Because I hope that she'll finally have a Tour over Europe.
Because it's her...

Enjoy "Home" performed by Vanessa Carlton !

(c) Home by Vanessa Carlton performed at Joe's Pub in NYC
(c) Video by Hoppers Music - posted on Youtube

Lyrics of "Home" by Vanessa Carlton

Some people live in a house on the hill
And wish they were some place else
There's nobody there
When the evening is still
Secrets with no one to tell

Some I have known have a ship where they sleep
With sounds of rocks on the coast
They sail over oceans five fathoms deep
But can't find what they want the most

Even now when I'm alone
I've always known with you
I am home

Some live in towns
Cardboard shack on concrete
All bluster and bustling life
They search for the color you can never quite see
Cause it's all white on white

Even now when I'm alone
I've always known with you
I am home

For me it's a glance and the smile on your face the touch of your hands,
And an honest embrace
For where I lay it's you I keep,
This changing world I fall asleep
With you all I know is I'm coming home,
Coming home

mardi 5 janvier 2010

Un concentré de Paris en Hiver...

(c) Frenchy Baguette

Dans cette photo il y a tout. Un concentré de ce qu'est Paris en hiver. Des illuminations, qui nous rappellent les fêtes de fin d'année et qu'on est bien dans "La Ville Lumière", des sapins, des passants emmitouflés dans leurs gros manteaux, des touristes et une patinoire où on peut s'amuser...

Bref, un petit air de vacances !!!

samedi 2 janvier 2010

The French Dream : Louis Vuitton des Champs Elysées !!!

Dans la série Promenade de Noël dans Paris, mes pas m'ont naturellement conduite devant le Vuitton des Champs Elysées, lieu mythique pour tous les touristes Japonais, Américains, Russes ou Coréens en goguette à Paris.

Voici donc quelques photos de ses vitrines de Noël... Qui en jettent pas mal de nuit !

(c) Frenchy Baguette

 (c) Frenchy Baguette

(c) Frenchy Baguette

 (c) Frenchy Baguette

Le mythique bâtiment LV des Champs Elysées,
vu depuis l'entrée du Fouquet's 

(c) Frenchy Baguette

Prochaine étape vuittonnesque pour Frenchy Baguette, rentrer dans ce magasin mythique...

Par pure curiosité, pour voir comment c'est à l'intérieur, apprécier les modèles proposés et la qualité du service qu'on dit légendaire...

Affaire à suivre ;-)