vendredi 22 janvier 2010

"All right, then, I'll go to hell"

(c) Penguin Red Classics Cover

"All right, then, I'll go to hell."

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Chap 31

With this simple sentence Huck Finn, the most emblematic American hero known for his quest for freedom, rejects social authority and finally decides not to denounce Jim, as a on-the-run slave to her "owner" Miss Watson... 

Remember Huckleberry Finn is this well-known child, who escaped from society on a raft on the Mississippi River with the slave Jim. 

Huck eventually desobeys to civil laws and rules (here, the segregationists ones of the American Jacksonian period), but this desobedience act leads him to a transcendental morality... In fact he saved Jim and considered him as a human being - which was revolutionnary for 1883 in Missouri...

No Huck, you warn't go to Hell
You desobeyed, and you were right...

The point here is :
Are we allowed to desobey social rules if we believe they are immoral and contradictory with our profound own morality and thoughts?

Oh, my dear Thoreau, you were so well inspired when you talked about "Civil Desobedience"...

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