jeudi 13 mai 2010

"Only by being heard can we make a difference." Madeleine Albright

"The first step to success for women and girls is to learn how to interrupt. In the classroom or workplace, a woman who is afraid to interrupt may never be heard, and only by being heard can we make a difference."

Madeleine Albright

Her life, personality, political career and commitment into the American societ are extraordinary.

A few days ago I had to write a report on 'American foreign affairs since 1945'. We were totally free to pick up a subject, provided that it was linked to subject of the course.

I found that Madeleine Albright would be a good one because I knew she was part of the Clinton administration in the 90's. And believe me she was sooo much than this !

I wish I have her strength of character, her determination and the same capacity to work hard enough to achieve my goals.
And this even if I make mistakes.
And provided that I am courageous enough to apologize for them, not to late...

Yes, Frenchy Baguette has had a model for two weeks, and her name is Madeleine Albright.

4 commentaires:

  1. Très belle citation. Faut que je lise ta note de synthèse sur cette femme que je connais très peu, j'ai lu son nom en faisant des recherches sur Hillary.

    Ça me rappelle que je dois toujours faire ma note de synthèse.
    Bloody sunday...

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  4. Merci Llu !
    Hillary Clinton et Madeleine Albright sont amies, elles étaient étudiantes à Wellesley College en même temps... Le monde est petit.
    Courage pour tes révisions !
    Frenchy Baguette
