vendredi 1 avril 2011

" We want sex equality ! "

"Equal pay for women is right."
Rita O'Grady
(Sally Hawkins)


"You're the best man of my Cabinet."
Churchill to Babara Castle


"I have a first class Honors degree from one of the finest universities in the world, and my husband treats me like i'm a fool. Do not give up. "

 Lisa Hopkins
(Rosamund Pike)


" I am what is known as a fiery redhead. Now, I hate to make this a matter of appearance and go all womanly on you, but there you have it. And me standing up like this is in fact just that redheaded fieriness leaping to the fore. Credence? I will give credence to their cause. My god! Their cause already has credence. It is equal pay. Equal pay is common justice, and if you two weren't such a pair of egotistical, chauvinistic, bigoted dunderheads, you would realise that. Oh, my office is run by incompetents and I am sick of being patronised, spoken down to, and generally treated as if I was the May Queen.
Set up the meeting! "

Barbara Castle
(Miranda Richardson)


Official British Trailer :

(c) "Made in Dagenham" directed by Nigel Cole
(c) 2010 Sony Pictures Classics

2nd trailer with French subtitles :

(c) "We want sex equality" par Nigel Cole
(c) 2010 Sony Pictures Classics

2 commentaires:

  1. Dear Frenchy,

    I'm sitting in a cafe right now so won't watch the video but amen!

    Hugs from rainy Seattle,


  2. Salut Adena !

    I knew that you would like this post... and i'm sure that you'd like the movie too !

    Hugs from sunny, windy Paris,

    Frenchy Baguette
